Tuesday, May 6, 2008

28 Weeks Later

It’s food time and the little boy wants in. I would scratch on the door too. Why is everybody so mad? Merweh. Mff. The scared man almost falls into the water but then he gets away. I don’t like this movie -- everybody chases each other around and there aren’t any cats. Also, the box really needs to be scooped and I’m going to have to pee if this movie is scary all the way through. Are we going to eat popcorn? Now there’s a new little boy and a girl and the scared man looks worried. This part is boring. I’m going to go lay down.

Merf! What did I miss? Who? Oh right. So the scared man met the lady he ran away from and she’s sick. Then the scared man gets really mad and chases everybody. How come he gets to bite people and nobody turns a squirt bottle on him? Mff. Have you scooped the box yet? I can’t cover with clumps, people. Why is that man on fire? The new little boy and the little girl should have a cat. That way they could follow the cat through the dark. Maybe the cats all went to get food. The angry man bites the boy and the little girl shoots the man. That is not the way to deal with biting. Oh please scoop the box! Maybe if I go stand by it and stare at you …

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